These days with the airlines charging us for luggage we have become more selective in what we pack and how we pack. Interesting that we are not so selective on the emotional baggage which carries a greater personal cost. The baggage conceals itself wrapped with words of justification or behaviors that ushers in the past. When the worlds of past and present collide manifestations of disruptive behaviors, poor frustration tolerance, depression, anxiety, poor concentration, apathy, relationship problems, addictions, medical problems and other struggles in our future.
Trauma is a subjective horrific event either experienced or witnessed that appears to impair the individuals capacity to deal with the event. There are some “things” that happen to us that are not traumatic; yet, the events can have trauma like impacts. Either of these or both of these are what are often found in our emotional baggage.
At the airport the baggage is weighed. I have seen where the baggage is too heavy and the traveler tries to lighten the load by taking things out and stuffing items into other bags. Our emotional baggage gets heavy and we get triggered and act out without knowing why we are reacting with intense emotions.
What helps lighten the baggage? Social support, Personal temperament, Survival orientation, and of course therapy. I have met with many courageous clients with amazing triceps and somatic sensations and or physical aliments because they have been carrying around their over stuffed bags.
It is uncomfortable when we start unpacking. In fact it is at times it feels overwhelming. Maybe it’s better carrying around the load? No. It is not. The pain of discomfort is worth the process of unpacking with the end result of living free from the past and living free to embrace the best life yet!
Carpe Diem